Frog Frolic Family Festival

Redding Community Center 37 Lonetown Road, Redding, CT, United States

The Frog Frolic Festival is a special day for the whole community to come together to enjoy live music, food trucks, play games, craft, and spend time with friends! For 2+ decades, The Frolic has been THE event of the spring in Redding, generating necessary funds for our one-of-a-kind library – don’t miss it!

Georgetown Fire Company Plant Sale and Swap

The Granite Church 5 N. Main Street, Redding, CT, United States

The second annual Georgetown Volunteer Fire Companies Plant Sale and Swap will be held at the Granite Church on Saturday, May 20th. This fundraiser is presented by GVFC along with the Georgetown Volunteer Fire Dept. Auxiliary, a branch of the department that provides non-firefighting support. All proceeds benefit GVFC and the Georgetown community in times […]

Georgetown Day

Georgetown Village Restoration, Inc. Georgetown, CT, United States
The Granite Church
Granite Church logo
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